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Artificial Intelligence

Bizec’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions are tailored to specific use cases to overcome business obstacles. We merge IOT, ML, AI and big data to support businesses make data driven decisions.

Smart Mirror

Bizec has developed interactive display powered  that adds value to retail operations. Voice activated AI system can reduce overhead costs by seamlessly communicating with your customers in real-time. Our systems have led to increased conversion rates of in-store purchases.


Our AI Chatbot helps you to handle customers requests, questions or concerns in an efficient consistent way. Reduce the waiting time with immediate insightful replies and give your customers a better experience when dealing with your company. Our Chatbot also has a personality

Machine Learning for Manufacturing

Bizec has employed Machine learning in the manufacturing process. Our system recognizes any defects during the manufacturing process such as surface defects including scratches and cracks as well as ensuring the proper prescription is produced.

We have applied image classification, object detection and instance segmentation algorithms so that our data scientists can train these visual inspection systems. Combined with high optical resolution camera and GPU our deep learning detection system has better results than traditional machine vision.